Congratulations to our 2023-24 Grant Recipients! 

Building Friendships Through Philanthropy

Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego -- $50,000
Rachel's Women's Center

Program Description:

Rachel’s Women’s Center is a critical shelter for homeless women in San Diego to receive respite and trauma-informed care and services. It serves approximately 100-120 women daily and is a peer-support social model environment in which one woman models behavior and provides positive support for another. They are open from 7 am to 5 pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year. RWC’s core services consist of two daily meals, laundry, restroom and shower facilities, a mailing address, telephone, and a boutique offering clothing, shoes, and other essential items, as well as case management and referrals to other social services programs as needed. The $50,000 grant request was to sustain RWC by funding supplies, food, hygiene products, and staff. 



Given the nature of the program, Rachel’s Women’s Center faced two significant challenges during the grant year, namely, preventing the contact and spread of Covid-19 amongst this population and combating the rising costs of supplies and utilities due to inflation. Despite these challenges, they were still able to achieve their goal by providing 79,373 services to 1,219 unique women for the year. 

Additionally, they were able to offer case management services and referrals for wrap-around services to its participants through several other social service and mental health programs that fall under the Catholic Diocese of San Diego umbrella. 

Because of the success of RWC, Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego opened Rachel’s Promise, a 24/7 40-bed shelter, last July. This facility provides wrap-around support services to unsheltered women living with a serious medical condition or not accepted into confidential domestic violence locations. 

Future Plans:

Recently, RWC received funding to provide veterinary services and pet supplies to unsheltered women with pets. This funding also helps the women obtain the proper documentation for service/emotional support animals. 

In the future, Rachel’s Women’s Center’s Philanthropy Team plans will continue searching for funding opportunities like this to support and expand the services they can offer unhoused women.