Foundation for Women Warriors (F4WW) -- $50,000 Women Veteran Transition and Emergency Services
Program Description:
The Women Veteran Transition and Emergency Services program provides women veterans with short-term, critical financial assistance and fiscal wellness education. In addition, it connects them to necessary community services and resources allowing them to navigate life’s obstacles and make successful life transitions. Approximately 83% of their clients fall within low to very low income by HUD standards, and 70% are single mothers, often without immediate family nearby.
F4WW’s proposed goal was to serve 1,124 unduplicated women veterans and children for the fiscal year, with over 50% residing in San Diego County. They estimated that the cost per client would be $581.20. The number of actual people served exceeded this goal by almost 30%, as they were able to help 1,444 women and children during their fiscal year despite the ever-rising cost per client. Because of these rising costs, they have provided 185% more in financial aid, childcare assistance, and warehouse distribution compared to the previous year. Snapshots of their impact reveal that 75 women and children received emergency financial assistance and fiscal wellness education; 235 women were connected to partner agencies that provided employment/job skills training, mental health counseling, legal services, and food resources; 395 women and children received critical household goods to reduce monthly costs and ensure that their basic needs are met; and 74 women participated in Women Veterans Lead, a program providing education on financial, professional and leadership development and/or mentorship. 100% of their clients reported improved stability and overall well-being.
F4WW collaborated with numerous organizations such as Partnership with Prudential (providing online financial wellness education), Accenture’s Skills to Succeed (providing online personal, professional, and leadership development), VA Hospital’s Maternity Clinic (providing critical new mom and baby supplies) and United Through Reading (mobile reading stations), to name a few.
Future Plans:
Foundation for Women Warriors believe their service model and subsequent success in preventing women veteran homelessness is scalable throughout the country. However, their immediate plan is to invest in their capacity and program growth locally before expanding nationwide. This entails the thoughtful and purposeful hiring of additional Program and Development staff as well as securing funding from a variety of sources.